
Regular Vacuuming: Use an upholstery brush attachment to vacuum your polyester upholstery regularly. This prevents the accumulation of loose dirt and dust on all surfaces, including cushions, sides, and back.

Prompt Spill Care: In case of spills, act quickly. Blot the area with a clean, white cloth to absorb liquids. Avoid scrubbing, as this can harm the fabric.

Handling Stains: For more stubborn stains, create a mild cleaning solution by mixing dish soap with warm water. Gently blot the stained area with a clean cloth. Rinse the cloth before moving to other sections to prevent spreading the stain.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Stay away from harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia. These substances can weaken the fabric, potentially shortening your furniture's lifespan.

Cushion Maintenance: To maintain the shape and longevity of your upholstery, rotate and re-fluff the cushions regularly. This prevents uneven wear, helping the furniture to retain its aesthetic appeal.

Ebony Shanti lounge chair
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